

The rare Chough can be confused with a crow until you spot the red legs and bill. Mostly seen on the west of the British Isles it is a Schedule 1 species.

It is between 38 and 40cm in length and has a wingspan of 72 to 90 cm and weighs in at between 260 and 350g.

These birds were seen and photographed at South Stack in Wales.

The only crow with red legs and bill make it easy to identify the Red Billed Chough.

That is as long as you can find one!

It lives on short grazed grassland and looks for beetle larvae as it probes the ground.

It nests on rock ledges and crevices on cliff faces.

She will lay 3 to 5 eggs and both parents feed the chicks.

A small colony has made Cornwall their home and sheep are used to graze and keep the grass in perfect condition for the Chough.

They are 38 to 40 cm in length

They have a wingspan of 82cm.

They weigh in at 310g and liv

